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Welcome to the Ryan Research Group

The Ryan  Research Group at the Bernal Institute is led by Professor Kevin M. Ryan who holds a Personal Chair in Chemical Nanotechnology at the Department of Chemical Sciences  at the University of Limerick. He is coordinator of the H2020 EU projects Si-Drive and NEILLSBAT in the area of  Li-ion and Lithium-Sulfur batteries respectively, Co-Principal Investigator on SFI Centres MaREI and AMBER and funded Investigator on SSPC. He is holder of SFI IVP and IRC Laureate awards.  Previous affiliations included Marie Curie Fellowship positions at the University of California, Berkeley, USA and Merck Chemicals Southampton, UK following  BSc and PhD degrees at University College Cork. The group research Interests are in  Nanocrystals and Nanowires with emphasis on Synthesis, Assembly and Device Applications in ICT, Energy Storage (Batteries) and Energy Conversion Applications. The group also studies nucleation and growth in both hard (metal, semiconductor) and soft (pharmaceutical) nanocrystal materials with emphasis on size, shape and crystal phase control.
Address: MS1021, University of Limerick, Limerick Ireland. Phone: + 353 (61) 213167,  Email: kevin.m.ryan(at)ul.ie.

Research and Affiliation Links

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Current Research Team

Dr. Ibrahim Aminu
Research Fellow

Research Interests: Novel Nanomaterial Design, Li-ion Batteries, and Al-ion Batteries

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Dr Kwadwo Asare
IRC Postdoctoral Fellow

New nanomaterials and chemistries for energy conversion and storage devices 

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Mei Li
PhD Student (Cosupervised K Ryan, H Geaney, T Kennedy)

Nanomaterial synthesis, Lithium ion batteries, electrochemistry energy conversion 

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Rebecca Forde
PhD Student Amber (Joint with Dr H Geaney)

Aluminum-Sulfur batteries, Lithium-Sulfur batteries, Nanomaterials Design and Synthesis

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Gaurav Nath
PhD Researcher

Research Interest: Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, Synthesis of nanomaterials for energy storage. 

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Dr Cathal O’Donnell
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Renewable Energy Generation, Large Scale Energy Storage, Smart Grid technology, Electric Vehicles.

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Nilotpal Kapuria
Former PhD Student (IRC Laureate) Jointly supervised with Dr S Singh

Date of PhD start: 23rd Oct’ 18
Research Interests: Synthesis of anisotropic colloidal nanocrystals, characterization, and assembly

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Nandita Biswas
Former Research Assistant (Joint with Dr Ning Liu)

Date of start: 17th September, 2018
Research Interests: Synthesizing and Aligning nanorods for LED application

Esther Adegoke
Former PhD Student (SFI Joint with Prof U Bangert)

Date of PhD start: Jan, 2019
Research Interests: High resolution and in-situ electron microscopy techniques

Maria Zubair
Former PhD Student (SFI) Jointly supervised with Dr S Singh

Research interest: Material Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Colloidal Synthesis

Abinaya Sankaran
Former PhD Student (Si-Drive H2020) Joint with Dr H Geaney

PhD Student March 2019 Start 

Research Interests: Nanomaterials, Electrochemical Energy devices-Fuel cell and Batteries.

Mohini Mishra
Phd Student Joint with Dr S Singh

PhD Student Feb 2019 Start 

Research Interests: Synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals, characterization, and assembly.

Dr Michela Ottaviani
Former Postdoctoral Researcher Si-Drive Project

Research Interests:  Silicon nanowires as anodes for Lithium-ion batteries

Manh Xuan Pham
Former PhD Researcher ( Supervisors K Ryan S Singh)

Research Interests: Synthesis of anisotropic colloidal nanocrystals, characterisation and assembly 

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Adrian Hannon
PhD Student Primary supervisor Dr T Kennedy

Research Interests: Nanodevice Fabrication, Nanowire Synthesis, Charge Carrier Mechanisms & Behaviour, Materials Characterisation, Nano Deposition Techniques

Luigi Jacopo Santa Maria
Former PhD Candidate

Research interests: Ionic liquids electrolytes, Li-ion batteries, Silicon NW as anodes in Li-ion batteries

Dylan Storan
Former PhD Student (SFI) Jointly Supervised with Dr H Geaney

PhD Student: Graduated September 2022

Research Interests: Semiconductor nanowire synthesis, doping and device fabrication

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Sumair Imtiaz
Former PhD Student (SFI MaREI) Jointly supervised with Dr T Kennedy

PhD start date: December 2018. Graduated: December 2022
Research Interests: Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterisation for Li-ion and Beyond Li-ion Batteries

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Seamus Kilian
Former PhD Student (SFI/M-ERA)

PhD Start Date Oct 2017; Graduated in December 2021

Research Interests: Nanomaterials for Li-ion Batteries, Si Nanowire Synthesis, Battery Testing, Nanomaterial Characterization.


Kieran McCarthy
Former PhD Student (IRC/Analog) joint with Dr T Kennedy

PhD Student since Jan 2018
Research Interests: Nanomaterial synthesis & SMART estimation of Li-ion battery state parameters

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Dr. Vivek Verma
Former Postdoctoral Researcher (SFI/EI) Joint with Dr L Padrela

Completed 2021, now at Imperial College London for Marie Curie Fellowship

Research Interests: Continuous manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, their isolation and formulation

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Fiona McGrath
Former Phd Student (IRC/Intel)

PhD Student Graduated 2021

Research interests: Nanoparticle Synthesis, Materials for Sustainable Energy, Perovskites

Gearoid Collins
Former PhD Student (IRC/Intel)

PhD Start Jan 2018; Graduated in December 2021

Research Interests: Renewable energy, energy storage, lithium-ion batteries, bottom-up synthesis, synthesis and applications of silicon and germanium nanostructures for use in LiB and FETs

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Dr. Killian Stokes
Former Postdoctoral Researcher (H2020)

Research Interests: Nanomaterial synthesis and characterisation, Li-ion battery testing

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Dr. Sheida Ishkli
Former Marie Curie Career Fit Fellow

Research interests: Electrochemical energy storage, lithium ion batteries, polymer electrolytes

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Dr Uma Ghorpade
Former Postdoctoral Researcher (SFI)

Completed in 2021

Research Interests: Nanomaterial synthesis, thin film solar cell, LED

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Barry Long
Former PhD Student (SFI/SSPC) joint with Dr L Padrela

PhD Student  Graduated 2021
Current Role: PhD Researcher
Research Interests: Supercritical Fluid Technology, Polymorphic Control, Nanocrystal Synthesis

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Huan Ren
Former PhD Student (SFI) Joint with Prof C. McCarthy

PhD student Graduated 2020
Research Interests: Morphology control and polytypic studies in colloidal nanocrystals

Keywords: Lithium ion Batteries, Silicon Anodes, Colloidal Nanocrystals, Nanorods, Nanowires, Silicon, Germanium, Cadmium Sulphide, Cadmium Selenide, Copper Indium Gallium Sulphide/selenide (CIGS), Dicopper-zinc-tin-tetrasulphide (CZTS), Nanorod Assembly, Electrophoretic Assembly, Charge based Assembly, Thin-films, Photoabsorbers, Pharmaceutical Nanocrystals.