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Professor Kevin M Ryan                                 D.O.B. 21/07/1977Website: http://ryangroupul.ie/                   ResearcherID: D-8047-2011AD1029, University of Limerick                     kevin.m.ryan@ul.ie, (061) 213167
2. CAREER PROFILE EDUCATION2003                  Ph.D., Chemistry, ‘Mesporous materials as Low K-dielectric layers and as hosts for semiconductor nanowire arrays, University College Cork, Ireland

1999                  B. Sc. Chemistry, University College Cork, Ireland



2016 – present Chair of Chemical Nanotechnology
Faculty of Science and Engineering/Dept. of Chemical Sciences, School of Natural Sciences, University of Limerick, Ireland


2013 – 2016 Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Science and Engineering/Dept. of Chemical and Environmental SciencesUniversity of Limerick, Ireland


2008 – 2013 Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Stokes Lecturer and Principle InvestigatorMaterials and Surface Science Institute (MSSI), University of Limerick, Ireland
2006 – 2007 Marie Curie Return Fellow – University of Limerick, Ireland
Research topic: Investigation of new approaches to nanocrystal synthesis.
2005 – 2006 Marie Curie Outgoing Fellow with Professor Paul Alivisatos at University of California and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, Berkeley, USA
Research Topic: CdS nanorod synthesis and assembly under electric fields
2003 – 2004 Marie Curie Industry Host Research Fellow,
Merck NanoMaterials Research Centre, Chilworth, Southampton, UK.Research Topic: New business development from nanotechnologies. 
3.1 I have secured over €4.5 million in research funding from National, EU and Industry sources. As examples of leadership in industrial applications, I have Involvement on projects with > 50 Industries nationally and internationally.3.2 Patents and Patent Applications (Granted in Bold) 1.      KM Ryan, T Kennedy, E Mullane. Silicon or Germanium Network Structure for Use as an Anode in a Battery- US Patent 20,160,043,385, 2016

2.      Ryan, K. M. Singh, A. Barrett, C. A. Process and System for Surface Modification of Colloidal Carbon Spheres in Supercritical Media European Patent EP 2455337. Dec 2014

3.      Ryan, K. M.  Ahmed, S. “Deposition of materials- Close packed assemblies/lattice-Method for formation of”. US 8629422B Granted Jan 2014.

4.      Ryan, K. M., Sanyal, A., Bala, T. McGlouglin, T. Pitterina, A. Processing of Nanoparticles  US 8501432 September 2013

5.      Ryan, K. M., Barrett, C. A. 2009.  Method and System for the Synthesis of Semiconductor Nanowires. Patent No: US 8,138,067. Date of Patent Mar 20, 2012.

6.      Ryan K. M. Morris, M. A, Holmes, J. D. and Lawton, W.  US Patent Granted US 6699797 “Method of Fabrication of low dielectric constant porous metal silicate films”. 2004

7.      Winkler, H. Ryan, K. M. Pigments with Opal Structures, Patent, DE 102009 030 250 A1.

8.      Ryan, K. M. Kennedy, T. ‘A Si and Ge Nanowire Heterostructure ‘European Patent Application No. 15170563.9. PCT completed May 2016.

9.      Ryan, K. M. Kennedy, T. ‘Design of a Silicon or Germanium network structure for use as an anode in a battery’ Patent Application in United States No.14/594,548. June 2015

10.  Ryan, K. M. Liu, N., Liu, P., Lasing from high aligned CdSeS Nanorod Thin Film by Electrophoretic Deposition. UL 2006312, with patent agent Purdy Lucey June 2016.

 Publications see Research Gate Listing